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The falling number test in the baking context

Registration and monitoring of agricultural remedies: The role of testing facilities.

Quality Testing For The Agricultural Industry: An Important Link To The Value Chain

Quality overview of the 2020 maize crop

Improving quality control systems in the oilseeds industry and using proficiency schemes

Landbou Weekliks Onderhoud Met Wiana Louw

Plaas TV Onderhoud Met Wiana Louw

Farmer’s Weekly SA Interview With Wiana Louw: The Important Role of the SAGL

Training Announcement

Quality testing on grain and oilseeds: a vital link in the value chain

Mikotoksiene – natuurlike (maar ongewenste) kontaminante onder die vergrootglas

Local and Imported Wheat Quality Reviewed

Quality Tested in Latest Survey

The how and why of proficiency testing schemes

Evaluering en vrystelling van nuwe broodkoring kultivars in die afgelope drie jaar

Maize Crop in the Spotlight

Sunflower Crop Survey Expanded

Crop Quality Results Are In

Sunflower crop quality survey results: 2018/19 production season

Soya bean crop quality survey results: 2018/19 production season

We Are Open For Business

SAGL Operations During COVID-19 Lockdown

Graanlaboratorium Kry Erkenning Vir Twee Dekades se Hoë Standaard

The Chairman’s Report 2019

Quality Of The 2018/19 Season’s Local Wheat Crop

Quality Of The 2018/19 Season’s Imported Wheat

Quality of the 2018/2019 Season’s Wheat Crop Examined

Maize Crop Quality – a Look at the 2017/2018 Season’s Results

Sunflower Crop Quality – a Look at the 2017/2018 Season’s Results

Radio: Gluten Is ‘n Proteïen Wat in Grane Soos Koring en Gars Voorkom

Radio: Mikotoksien-Analises by Graan

Sorghum-Verwerking Vir Menslike Gebruik

Graan Sorghum: Die Evaluasie van Verskillende Sorghumkultivars

Sorghum se Veelsydigheid Onder Die Vergrootglas

Visit Us at the Yearly Agri Gauteng Ekspo – 7-9 August 2019

Annual Soybean Crop Quality Under Scrutiny

SAGL now offers Vitamin D2 testing

SA Graanlaboratorium se Raad van Direkteure

Graanlaboratorium Onderskei Hom Met Standaarde en Erkenning

Wheat Production Overview

National Wheat Crop Quality of the 2017/18 Season

Imported Wheat: 200 Samples From 10 Countries Analysed

Local and Imported: Wheat Quality Scrutinised

Maize Quality 2016/2017: Special Focus on Mycotoxins

Quality of the 2016/2017 Soybean Crop Scrutinised

An Incredible Cereal and Proudly African

Covid-19: Impact on Grain, Food and Feed Testing Laboratory

Quality of The 2016/2017 Sunflower Crop in The Spotlight

Graanlaboratorium Slaag Vele Toetse in 20e Jaar

Kwaliteitsresultate van 2016/’17 se Koringoes

Soybean Crop Quality Overview of the 2015/2016 Season

SA Graanlaboratorium: 20 Jaar Trots Suid-Afrikaans