Maize Reports
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Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2021-2022 season (File size: 6.72 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2021/22 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from 2011/12 to 2021/22 (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilised for maize production from 2011/12 to 2021/22 (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from 2011/12 to 2021/22 (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation – 2021/22 season (Table 1)
- Area utilised for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilised for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2011/12 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2011/12(Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Maize supply and demand overview 2022/23 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Total Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2022/23 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white maize exports 2022/23 season (Graph 27)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2022/23 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA yellow maize exports 2022/23 season (Graph 28)
- SAGIS Total Whole Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole White Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole Yellow Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize products manufactured from May 2022 to March 2023 (Graphs 29 – 32)
- SAGIS Maize Products Manufactured per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Imported per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Exported per Marketing Year
- Maize Crop Quality 2021/22 – summary of results
- Percentage samples graded as Grade 1 over seasons (Graph 33)
- South African maize crop quality 2021/22 (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 4)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 5)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 7)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 34 – 36)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 9)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations tables (Tables 10 and 11)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize according to grade (Table 14)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize (Table 15)
- Physical quality characteristics over 10 seasons (Table 16)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 37)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 38 – 40)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 18)
- Roff milling fractions and total meal extraction (Graphs 41 – 46)
- Nutritional values of white (Table 19) and yellow maize (Table 20) according to grade
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 21)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 22)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 47 – 49)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 23)
- Mycotoxin results discussion (Graphs 50 – 60)
- International Mycotoxin Regulations
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- Mycotoxin results for the 2021/22 season (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2011/12 to 2021/22 (Table 25)
- Methods
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Government Notice No. R.473 of 8 May 2009
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2020-2021 season (File size: 4.31 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2020/21 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilised for maize production from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation – 2020/21 season (Table 1)
- Area utilised for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilised for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2010/11 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2010/11 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Maize supply and demand overview 2021/22 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Total Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2021/22 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white maize exports 2021/22 season (Graph 27)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2021/22 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA yellow maize exports 2021/22 season (Graph 28)
- SAGIS Total Whole Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole White Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole Yellow Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize products manufactured from May 2021 to March 2022 (Graphs 29 – 32)
- SAGIS Maize Products Manufactured per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Imported per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Exported per Marketing Year
- Maize Crop Quality 2020/21 – summary of results
- Percentage samples graded as Grade 1 over seasons (Graph 33)
- South African maize crop quality 2020/21 (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 4)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 5)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 7)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 34 – 36)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 9)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations tables (Tables 10 and 11)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize according to grade (Table 14)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize (Table 15)
- Physical quality characteristics over 10 seasons (Table 16)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 37)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 38 – 40)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 18)
- Roff milling fractions and total meal extraction (Graphs 41 – 46)
- Nutritional values of white (Table 19) and yellow maize (Table 20) according to grade
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 21)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 22)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 47 – 49)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 23)
- Mycotoxin results discussion (Graphs 50 – 60)
- International Mycotoxin Regulations
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- Mycotoxin results for the 2020/21 season (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (Table 25)
- Methods
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Government Notice No. R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1 of 15 April 2010
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2019-2020 season (File size: 4.31 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2019/20 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from 2009/10 to 2019/20 (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilised for maize production from 2009/10 to 2019/20 (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from 2009/10 to 2019/20 (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation – 2019/20 season (Table 1)
- Area utilised for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilised for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2009/10 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2009/10 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Maize supply and demand overview 2020/21 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Total Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2020/21 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white maize exports 2020/21 season (Graph 27)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2020/21 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA yellow maize exports 2020/21 season (Graph 28)
- SAGIS Total Whole Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole White Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole Yellow Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize products manufactured from May 2020 to March 2021 (Graphs 29 – 32)
- SAGIS Maize Products Manufactured per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Imported per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Exported per Marketing Year
- Maize Crop Quality 2019/20 – summary of results
- Percentage samples graded as Grade 1 over seasons (Graph 33)
- South African maize crop quality 2019/20 (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 4)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 5)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 7)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 34 – 36)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 9)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations tables (Tables 10 and 11)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize according to grade (Table 14)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize (Table 15)
- Physical quality characteristics over 10 seasons (Table 16)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 37)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 38 – 40)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 18)
- Roff milling fractions and total meal extraction (Graphs 41 – 46)
- Nutritional values of white (Table 19) and yellow maize (Table 20) according to grade
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 21)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 22)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 47 – 49)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 23)
- Mycotoxin results discussion (Graphs 50 – 60)
- International Mycotoxin Regulations
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- Mycotoxin results for the 2019/20 season (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2010/11 to 2019/20 (Table 25)
- Methods
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Government Notice No. R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1 of 15 April 2010
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2018-2019 season (File size: 4.31 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2018/19 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from 2008/09 to 2018/19 (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from 2008/09 to 2018/19 (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from 2008/09 to 2018/19 (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation – 2018/19 season (Table 1)
- Area utilized for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilized for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2008/09 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2008/09 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Maize supply and demand overview 2019/20 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Total Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS Total Whole Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole White Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Whole Yellow Maize Processed per Province
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize products manufactured from May 2019 to March 2020 (Graphs 27 – 30)
- SAGIS Maize Products Manufactured per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Imported per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Exported per Marketing Year
- Maize Crop Quality 2018/19 – summary of results
- Percentage samples graded as Grade 1 over seasons (Graph 31)
- South African maize crop quality 2018/19 (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 4)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 5)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 7)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 32 – 34)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 9)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations tables (Tables 10 and 11)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize according to grade (Table 14)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize (Table 15)
- Physical quality characteristics over 10 seasons (Table 16)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 35)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 36 – 38)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 18)
- Nutritional values of white (Table 19) and yellow maize (Table 20) according to grade
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 21)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 22)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 39 – 41)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 23)
- Mycotoxin results discussion (Graphs 42 – 52)
- International Mycotoxin Regulations
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- Mycotoxin results for the 2018/19 season (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2009/10 to 2018/19 (Table 25)
- Methods
- Maize Exports and Imports
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2019/20 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white maize exports 2019/20 season (Graph 53)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2019/20 marketing season
- Major destinations/origins for RSA yellow maize exports and imports 2019/20 season (Graphs 54 and 55)
- Maize Imports and Exports during the 2019/20 marketing season – summary of results
- Local maize production versus import figures over the last five seasons (Graph 56)
- Imported maize quality 2019/20 marketing season compared to RSA crop quality
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Government Notice No. R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1 of 15 April 2010
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2017-2018 season (File size: 4.31 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2017/2018 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from 2007/2008 to 2017/2018 (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from 2007/2008 to 2017/2018 (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from 2007/2008 to 2017/2018 (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation – 2017/2018 season (Table 1)
- Area utilized for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilized for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2007/2008 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2007/2008 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Maize supply and demand overview 2018/2019 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Total Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize products manufactured from May 2018 to March 2019 (Graphs 27 – 30)
- SAGIS Maize Products Manufactured per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Imported per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Exported per Marketing Year
- Maize Crop Quality 2017/2018 – summary of results
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2017/2018 season (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 4)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 5)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 7)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 31 – 33)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 9)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations tables (Tables 10 and 11)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality characteristics of white maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize according to grade (Table 14)
- Physical quality characteristics of yellow maize (Table 15)
- Physical quality characteristics over 10 seasons (Table 16)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 34)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 35 – 37)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 18)
- Nutritional values of white (Table 19) and yellow maize (Table 20) according to grade
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 21)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 22)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 38 – 40)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 23)
- Mycotoxin results discussion (Graphs 41 – 51)
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- International Mycotoxin Regulations (Foods and Feeds)
- Mycotoxin results for the 2017/2018 season (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2006/2007 to 2017/2018 (Table 25)
- Methods
- Maize Imports and Exports
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2018/2019 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white maize exports 2018/2019 season (Graph 52)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2018/2019 marketing season
- Major destinations/origins for RSA yellow maize exports/imports 2018/2019 season (Graphs 53 and 54)
- Maize Imports and Exports during the 2018/2019 marketing season
- Local maize production versus import figures over the last five seasons (Graph 55)
- Imported maize quality 2018/2019 marketing season compared to RSA crop quality
- SAGIS White and Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2019/2020 marketing season
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Government Notice No. R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1 of 15 April 2010
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2016-2017 season (File size: 4.31 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2016/2017 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from the 2006/2007 to 2016/2017 seasons (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from the 2006/2007 to 2016/2017 seasons (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from the 2006/2007 to 2016/2017 seasons (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation in the 2016/2017 season (Table 1)
- Area utilized for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilized for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2006/2007 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2006/2007 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Maize supply and demand overview 2016/2017 marketing season (Graph 14)
- Maize supply and demand overview 2017/2018 marketing season (Graph 15)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Total Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 16 – 19)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 20 – 23)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 24 – 27)
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2017/2018 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white maize exports 2017/2018 season (Graph 28)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2017/2018 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA yellow maize exports 2017/2018 season (Graph 29)
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize products manufactured from May 2017 to March 2018 (Graphs 30 – 33)
- SAGIS Maize Products Manufactured per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Imported per Marketing Year
- SAGIS Maize Products Exported per Marketing Year
- Maize Crop Quality 2016/2017 – summary of results
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2016/2017 season (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 4)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 5)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 7)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 34 – 36)
- USA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 8)
- USA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 9)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations (Tables 10 and 11)
- Physical quality of white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality factors of white maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality of yellow maize according to grade (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors of yellow maize (Table 15)
- Physical quality factors over 10 seasons (Table 16)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 37)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 38 – 40)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 18)
- Nutritional values of white (Table 19) and yellow maize (Table 20) according to grade
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 21)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 22)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 41 – 43)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 23)
- Mycotoxin results discussion (Graphs 44 – 56)
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- International Mycotoxin Regulations (Foods and Feeds)
- Mycotoxin results for the 2016/2017 season (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2005/2006 to 2016/2017 (Table 25)
- Methods
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- International and National proficiency testing certificates
- South African Weather Service – Seasonal Climate Watch May to September 2018
- South African Weather Service – Average Monthly Rainfall graphs for the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West provinces
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Government Notice No. R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1 of 15 April 2010
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2015-2016 season (File size: 4.73 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2015/2016 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from the 2005/2006 to 2015/2016 seasons (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from the 2005/2006 to 2015/2016 seasons (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from the 2005/2006 to 2015/2016 seasons (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation in the 2015/2016 season (Table 1)
- Area utilized for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilized for maize production in Mpumalanga, the Free State and North West since 2005/2006 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in Mpumalanga, the Free State and North West since 2005/2006 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- Total, white and yellow supply and demand overview 2015/2016 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Total Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize product manufacturing information for July 2015 – June 2016 and July 2016 – January 2017 (Graphs 27 – 34)
- SAGIS Maize Products per month Manufactured Figures
- SAGIS Maize Products per month Imported Figures
- SAGIS Maize Products per month Exported Figures
- Maize Crop Quality 2015/2016 – summary of results
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2015/2016 season (weighted averages) (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 3)
- RSA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 4)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 5)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Combined deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 35 – 37)
- USA grading of white maize according to grade (Table 6)
- USA grading of yellow maize according to grade (Table 7)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations (Tables 8 and 9)
- Physical quality of white maize according to grade (Table 10)
- Physical quality of yellow maize according to grade (Table 11)
- Physical quality factors of white maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality factors of yellow maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize (all samples) (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors over 10 seasons (Table 15)
- Test weight (kg/hl) over 10 seasons (Graph 38)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 39 – 41)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 16)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 17)
- Roff mill total extraction, whiteness and milling index over six seasons (Graphs 42 – 45)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize according to grade (Table 18)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 19)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 20)
- Fat, protein and starch content over 10 seasons (Graphs 46 – 48)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 21)
- Mycotoxin results for the last six seasons (Graphs 49 – 58)
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- International Mycotoxin Regulations (Foods and Feeds)
- Mycotoxin results for the 2015/2016 season (Table 22)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2004/2005 to 2015/2016 (Table 23)
- Methods
- Maize Imports and Exports
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2015/2016 marketing season
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2014/2015 marketing season
- Maize Imports and Exports during the 2015/2016 marketing season
- Major destinations/origins for RSA white and yellow maize exports/imports 2015/2016 season (Graphs 59 – 62)
- Imported maize quality 2015/2016 compared to RSA crop quality
- SAGIS White Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2016/2017 marketing season
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Exports/Imports figures per country and harbour 2016/2017 marketing season
- Maize Imports and Exports during the 2016/2017 marketing season
- Major destinations/origins for RSA white and yellow maize exports/imports 2016/2017 season (Graphs 63 – 66)
- Imported maize quality 2016/2017 compared to RSA crop quality
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- International and National proficiency testing certificates
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1 of 15 April 2010
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2014-2015 season (File size: 4.13 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Provincial contribution to the production of the 2014/2015 crop (Graph 1)
- Production
- Maize production in RSA from the 2004/2005 to 2014/2015 seasons (Graph 2)
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from the 2004/2005 to 2014/2015 seasons (Graph 3)
- RSA maize yield from the 2004/2005 to 2014/2015 seasons (Graph 4)
- Maize production overview, dryland vs irrigation in the 2014/2015 season (Table 1)
- Area utilized for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 7)
- Area utilized for maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2004/2005 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Maize production in the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West since 2004/2005 (Graphs 9, 11 and 13)
- Supply and Demand
- White, yellow and total maize supply and demand overview 2014/2015 marketing season (Graph 14)
- SAGIS Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 15 – 18)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 19 – 22)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Figures
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 23 – 26)
- SAGIS Maize Product Information
- White and yellow maize product manufacturing information (Graphs 27 – 30)
- SAGIS Maize Products per month Manufactured Figures
- SAGIS Maize Products per month Imported and Exported Figures
- Maize Crop Quality 2014/2015 – Summary of results
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2014/2015 season (Table 2)
- RSA Production Regions
- RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main maize producing provinces – comparison of results
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 3)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 4)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 5)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Total deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 31 – 33)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 6)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 7)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations (Tables 8 and 9)
- Physical quality of white maize according to grade (Table 10)
- Physical quality of yellow maize according to grade (Table 11)
- Physical quality factors of white maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality factors of yellow maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize (all samples) (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors over 10 seasons (Table 15)
- Hectolitre mass over 10 seasons (Graph 34)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 35 – 37)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 16)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 17)
- Roff mill total extraction, whiteness and milling index over six seasons (Graphs 38 – 41)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize according to grade (Table 18)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 19)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 20) and (Graphs 42 – 44)
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 21)
- Mycotoxin results for the last five seasons (Graphs 45 – 54)
- International Mycotoxin Regulations
- National Mycotoxin Regulations
- Mycotoxin results for the 2014/2015 season (Table 22)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2003/2004 to 2014/2015 (Table 23)
- Methods
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports figures per country and harbour 2014/2015 marketing season
- Maize Imports and Exports during the 2014/2015 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white and yellow maize exports 2014/2015 season (Graphs 55 – 56)
- Imported maize quality of 2014/2015 compared to RSA crop quality
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports figures per country and harbour 2015/2016 marketing season
- Maize Imports and Exports during the 2015/2016 marketing season
- Major destinations for RSA white and yellow maize exports 2015/2016 season (Graphs 57 – 58)
- Imported maize quality of 2015/2016 compared to RSA crop quality
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- International and National proficiency testing certificates
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1
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- Download the Full report 2013-2014 season (File size: 3.54 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Production
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from the 2003/04 to 2013/14 seasons (Graph 1)
- Maize production in RSA from the 2003/04 to 2013/2014 seasons (Graph 2)
- RSA maize yield from the 2003/04 to 2013/14 seasons (Graph 3)
- Area utilized for maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 4)
- Maize production per province over three seasons (Graph 5)
- Maize yield per province over three seasons (Graph 6)
- Area utilized for maize production in the Free State, North West and Mpumalanga since 2003/04 (Graphs 7, 9 and 11)
- Maize production in the Free State, North West and Mpumalanga since 2003/04 (Graphs 8, 10 and 12)
- Supply and Demand
- White, yellow and total maize supply and demand overview 2013/2014 marketing season (Graphs 13 – 15)
- SAGIS Maize Supply and Demand Table
- Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 16 – 19)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Table
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 20 – 23)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Table
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 marketing seasons (Graphs 24 – 27)
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports per Country 2013/2014
- Imported maize
- Major destinations for RSA white and yellow maize exports 2013/2014 season (Graphs 28 – 29)
- Imported maize quality compared to RSA crop quality 2013/2014
- Maize Crop Quality 2013/2014 – Summary of results
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2013/2014 season (Table 1)
- RSA Production regions and RSA Provinces (Figure 1)
- RSA Crop Production Regions (Figure 2)
- List of grain production regions with silo/intake stands and type of storage structure
- Main production regions – summary of results
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 3)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 4)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Total deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 30 – 32)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 5)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- RSA and USA Grading Regulations (Tables 7 and 8)
- Physical quality of white maize according to grade (Table 9)
- Physical quality of yellow maize according to grade (Table 10)
- Physical quality factors of white maize (Table 11)
- Physical quality factors of yellow maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize (all samples) (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors over 10 seasons (Table 14)
- Hectolitre mass over 10 seasons (Graph 33)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 34 – 36)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 15)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 16)
- Roff mill total extraction, whiteness and milling index over six seasons (Graphs 37 – 40)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 18)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons, Table 19 and Graphs 41 – 43
- Presence of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 20)
- Mycotoxin results for the last four seasons, illustrated by Graphs 44 – 53
- International Mycotoxin Regulations
- Mycotoxin results (Table 21)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2000/2001 to 2013/2014 (Table 22)
- Methods
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- International and National proficiency testing certificates
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF NO: 20/4/14/1
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- Download the Full report 2012-2013 season (File size: 3.10 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Production, Supply and Demand
- Total RSA area utilized for maize production from the 2002/03 to 2012/13 seasons (Graph 1)
- Maize production in RSA from the 2002/03 to 2012/2013 seasons (Graph 2)
- RSA maize yield from the 2002/03 to 2012/13 seasons (Graph 3)
- Area utilized for maize production in the Free State, North West and Mpumalanga since 2002/03 (Graphs 4, 6 and 8)
- Maize production in the Free State, North West and Mpumalanga since 2002/03 (Graphs 5, 7 and 9)
- White, yellow and total maize supply and demand overview 2012/2013 season (Graphs 10 – 12)
- SAGIS Maize Supply and Demand Table
- Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 seasons (Graphs 13 – 16)
- SAGIS White Maize Supply and Demand Table
- White Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 seasons (Graphs 17 – 20)
- SAGIS Yellow Maize Supply and Demand Table
- Yellow Maize: Supply and demand graphs over 10 seasons (Graphs 21 – 24)
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports Per Country 2012/2013
- Imported and Exported maize
- Major destinations for RSA maize exports during the 2012/2013 season (Graph 25)
- Maize Crop Quality 2012/2013 – Summary of results
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2012/2013 season (Table 1)
- Production regions
- List of grain production regions with depots
- Main production regions – summary of results
- RSA grading of white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading of yellow maize (Table 3)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 4)
- Percentage Defective kernels and Total deviations over 10 seasons (Graphs 26 – 28)
- USA grading of white maize (Table 5)
- USA grading of yellow maize (Table 6)
- RSA Grading Regulations (Table 7)
- USA Grading Regulations (Table 8)
- Physical quality of white maize according to grade (Table 9)
- Physical quality of yellow maize according to grade (Table 10)
- Physical quality factors of white maize (Table 11)
- Physical quality factors of yellow maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize (all samples) (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors over 10 seasons (Table 14)
- Hectolitre mass over 10 seasons (Graph 29)
- 100 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 30 – 32)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 15)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 16)
- Roff mill total extraction, whiteness and milling index over 5 seasons (Graphs 33 – 36)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize according to grade (Table 17)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 18)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 19)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Graphs 37 – 39)
- Presense of Genetically Modified Maize (Table 20)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 21)
- Mycotoxin results summary from 2001/2002 to 2012/2013 (Table 22)
- International maximum, advisory and guidence levels for mycotoxins
- Methods
- SANAS Certificate of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
- Industry-wide Dispensation REF No: 20/4/14/1
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- Download the Full report 2011-2012 season (File size: 5.08 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
- Maize Crop Quality 2011/2012 Erratum
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Maize crop quality summary of results
- Production regions
- Main production regions – summary of results
- Imported maize – summary of results
- SAGIS Maize Supply and Demand Tables
- Production figures (Table 1 and Graph 1)
- Summary of RSA maize quality 2011/2012 season (Table 2)
- List of grain production regions with silos
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 3)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 4)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 5)
- Percentage Defective kernels and combined deviation over 10 seasons (Graphs 2-4)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 6)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 7)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 8)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 9)
- Physical quality, white maize according to grade (Table 10)
- Physical quality, yellow maize according to grade (Table 11)
- Physical quality factors of white maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality factors of yellow maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize (all samples) (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors over 10 seasons (Table 15)
- Hectolitre mass over 10 seasons (Graph 5)
- 1000 Kernel mass and kernel size over 10 seasons (Graphs 6-8)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize according to grade (Table 16)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 17)
- Roff mill total extraction, whiteness and milling index over 5 seasons (Graphs 9-12)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 18)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 19)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Table 20)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (Graphs 13-15)
- Genetic modification (Table 21)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 22)
- Mycotoxin results over 12 seasons (Table 23)
- Methods
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports Per Country 2010/11 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports Per Country 2011/12 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports Per Country 2012/13 Season
- Imported maize quality vs RSA crop quality
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2010-2011 season (File size: 2 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Maize crop quality summary of results
- Production regions
- Main production regions – summary of results
- Imported maize
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports 2010/11 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports 2011/12 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports Per Country 2010/11 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports/Exports Per Country 2011/12 Season
- SAGIS Maize Stock Figures
- List of grain production regions with silos
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- Grading quality over 10 seasons (Table 4)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 5)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 7)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 8)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 9)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 10)
- Nutritional values over 10 seasons (11)
- Physical quality, white maize according to grade (Table 12)
- Physical quality, yellow maize according to grade (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors of maize (all samples) (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize over 10 seasons (Table 15)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 16)
- Genetic modification (Table 17)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 18)
- Mycotoxin results over 12 seasons (Table 19)
- Methods
- Summary of RSA maize quality for 2010/2011 season
- Imported maize quality vs RSA crop quality
- Accuracy Award
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
Download Options:
- Download the Full report 2009-2010 season (File size: 23.17 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Maize crop quality summary of results
- Production regions
- Main production regions – summary of results / Imported maize
- SAGIS Maize Imports Exports 2009/10 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports Exports 2010/11 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports Exports Per Country 2009/10 Season
- SAGIS Maize Imports Exports Per Country 2010/11 Season
- SAGIS Maize Stock Figures
- List of grain production regions with silos
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 4)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 5)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 7)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 8)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 9)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 10)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (11)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors of maize (all samples) for 2009/2010 (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize over 10 years (Table 15)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 16)
- Genetic modification (Table 17)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 18)
- Mycotoxin results over 10 years (Table 19)
- Methods
- Summary of RSA maize quality for 2009/2010 season
- Imported maize quality 2008/2009 season
- Accuracy Award
- SANAS Certificate and Schedule of Accreditation
- Grading Regulations for Maize, Regulation R.473 of 8 May 2009
Download Options:
- Download the Full Report 2008-2009 (File size: 6.58 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Maize crop quality summary of results
- Production regions
- Main production regions – summary of results / Imported maize
- List of grain production regions with silos
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 4)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 5)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 6)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 7)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 8)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 9)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 10)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (11)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 12)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 13)
- Physical quality factors of maize (all samples) for 2008/2009 (Table 14)
- Physical quality factors of white and yellow maize over 10 years (Table 15)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 16)
- Genetic modification (Table 17)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 18)
- Mycotoxin results over 10 years (Table 19)
- Methods
- Imported maize quality 2007/2008 season
- Summary of RSA maize quality for 2008/2009 season
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- Download the Full Report (File size: 5.85 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and crop quality summary
- Maize quality (summary of the three main maize producing provinces)
- Grain production regions / Sampling
- Genetic Modi? cation / Mycotoxins / Imported maize
- List of grain production regions with silos
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, white maize (Table 4)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, yellow maize (Table 5)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 6)
- Hectolitre mass (Table 7)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 9)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 10)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 11)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 12)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 13)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (Tables 14 & 15)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 16)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 17)
- Physical quality factors of maize (all samples) for 2007/2008 (Table 18)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 19)
- Genetic modi? cation (Table 20)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 21)
- Methods
- Imported maize quality 2006/2007 season
- Summary of RSA maize quality for 2007/2008 season
Download Options:
- Download the Full Report (File size: 5 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and crop quality summary
- Maize quality (summary of the three main maize producing provinces)
- Grain production regions / Sampling
- Genetic Modiication / Mycotoxins / Imported maize
- List of grain production regions with silos
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, white maize (Table 4)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, yellow maize (Table 5)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 6)
- Hectolitre mass (Table 7)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 9)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 10)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 11)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 12)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 13)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (Tables 14 & 15)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 16)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 17)
- Physical quality factors of maize (all samples) for 2006/2007 (Table 18)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 19)
- Genetic modiication (Table 20)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 21)
- Methods
- Imported maize quality 2005/2006 season
- Imported maize quality 2006/2007 season
- Summary of RSA maize quality for 2006/2007 season
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- Download the Full Report (File size: 1,008 KB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and crop quality summary
- Maize quality (summary of the three main maize producing provinces)
- Grain production regions / Sampling
- Genetic Modification / Mycotoxins / Imported maize
- List of grain production regions with silos
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, white maize (Table 4)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, yellow maize (Table 5)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 6)
- Hectolitre mass (Table 7)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 9)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 10)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 11)
- Nutritional values according to grade (Table 12)
- Nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 13)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (Table 14 & 15)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 16)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 17)
- Physical quality factors of maize (all samples) for 2005/2006 (Table 18)
- Roff milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 19)
- Genetic modification (Table 20)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 21)
- Methods
- Imported maize quality 2004/2005 season
- Imported maize quality 2005/2006 season
- Summary of RSA maize quality for 2005/2006 season
Download Options:
- Download the Full Report (File size: 2 MB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Maize quality (summary)
- Grain production regions
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, white maize (Table 4)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, yellow maize (Table 5)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 6)
- Hectolitre mass (Table 7)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 9)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 10)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 11)
- Nutritional values, white maize (Table 12)
- Nutritional values, yellow maize (Table 13)
- Summary, nutritional values of white and yellow maize (Table 14)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (Table 15 & 16)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 17)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 18)
- Physical quality (Table 19)
- Milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 20)
- Milling index of yellow maize (Table 21)
- Milling index of white and yellow maize (Table 22)
- Roff milling of white maize (Table 23)
- Genetic modification (Table 24)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 25)
- Methods
- Imported maize quality 2003/2004 season
- Imported maize quality 2004/2005 season
Download Options:
- Download the Full Report (File size: 994 KB)
- To download specific sections of the report, see the Table of Contents below and click on the section required.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Maize quality (summary)
- Grain production regions
- Production estimates (Table 1)
- RSA grading, white maize (Table 2)
- RSA grading, yellow maize (Table 3)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, white maize (Table 4)
- RSA 10 year grading averages, yellow maize (Table 5)
- Grading quality over 10 years (Table 6)
- Hectolitre mass (Table 7)
- USA grading, white maize (Table 8)
- USA grading, yellow maize (Table 9)
- Grading Regulations RSA (Table 10)
- Grading Regulations USA (Table 11)
- Nutritional values, white maize (Table 12)
- Nutritional values, yellow maize (Table 13)
- Summary, nutritional values, white maize (Table 14)
- Summary, nutritional values, yellow maize (Table 15)
- Nutritional values over 10 years (Table 16 & 17)
- Physical quality, white maize (Table 18)
- Physical quality, yellow maize (Table 19)
- Physical quality (Table 20)
- Milling and whiteness index of white maize (Table 21)
- Milling index of yellow maize (Table 22)
- Milling index of white and yellow maize (Table 23)
- Roff milling of white maize (Table 24)
- Genetic modification (Table 25)
- Mycotoxin results (Table 26)
- Methods
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- Download the Full Report (File size: 863 KB)