Tag: Wheat Focus | Koringfokus

SAGL Koringfokus: The Falling Number Test In The Baking Context
WheatWheat Focus | Koringfokus

The falling number test in the baking context

Although a large wheat crop is expected, there are reports of relatively poor quality in some production regions because of heavy rains during the harvest ...
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WheatWheat Focus | Koringfokus

Evaluering en vrystelling van nuwe broodkoring kultivars in die afgelope drie jaar

In die afgelope drie jaar is 21 nuwe graan kultivars vir die verskillende produksiegebiede vrygestel, wat ‘n aanduiding van die sukses van die evaluering- en ...
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SAGLWheat Focus | Koringfokus

Graanlaboratorium Kry Erkenning Vir Twee Dekades se Hoë Standaard

Ter bevestiging van die SA Graanlaboratorium (SAGL) se standaard van werk en dienste het die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Akkreditasiestelsel (SANAS) in 2019 ‘n sertifikaat van erkenning ...
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WheatWheat Focus | Koringfokus

Quality Of The 2018/19 Season’s Local Wheat Crop

The 2018/19 season represented the twenty-first annual wheat crop quality survey. The aim of these surveys is to accumulate commercial wheat crop quality data on ...
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WheatWheat Focus | Koringfokus

Quality Of The 2018/19 Season’s Imported Wheat

Monitoring the quality of imported wheat is important to the entire wheat value chain, since South Africa relies on imports to supply local demand. During ...
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Nutritional AnalysisSAGL

SAGL now offers Vitamin D2 testing

The Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL), ac creditedwith South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), was recently accredited to perform Vitamin D2 testing on fortified bread, ...
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SAGLWheat Focus | Koringfokus

SA Graanlaboratorium se Raad van Direkteure

Die Suider-Afrikaanse Graanlaboratorium (SAGL) se raad van direkteure vir 2018/19 is tydens die algemene jaarvergadering aangewys. Sewe bedrywe wat by die SAGL se dienste betrokke ...
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SAGLWheat Focus | Koringfokus

Graanlaboratorium Onderskei Hom Met Standaarde en Erkenning

Die Suider-Afrikaanse Graanlaboratorium (SAGL) het sy relevansie en reputasie as ‘n voorkeur-verwysings laboratorium sowel plaaslik as internasionaal herbevestig.
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WheatWheat Focus | Koringfokus

Wheat Production Overview

The commercial wheat crop of the 2017/18 season was set at 1,535 million tons, which is 375 000 tons (19,6%) lower than the previous season’s ...
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WheatWheat Focus | Koringfokus

National Wheat Crop Quality of the 2017/18 Season

Wheat contributed 79% to the total winter cereal crop production in South Africa during the 2017/18 production season. The Southern African Grain Laboratory NPC (SAGL) ...
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