Category: Maize

MaizeSA Grain Magazine | SA Graan

Quality overview of the 2020 maize crop

A total of 890 composite samples, representing white and yellow maize of each production region, were received and analysed to determine their quality. The samples ...
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Maize Crop in the Spotlight
MaizeSA Grain Magazine | SA Graan

Maize Crop in the Spotlight

The 2018/2019 maize production season is represented by the results of the 22nd annual maize crop quality survey. A total of 808 composite samples, representing ...
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MaizeSA Grain Magazine | SA Graan

Maize Crop Quality – a Look at the 2017/2018 Season’s Results

During the 2018 harvesting season, a representative sample of each delivery of maize at the various grain intake points was taken according to the prescribed ...
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MaizeSA Grain Magazine | SA Graan

Maize Quality 2016/2017: Special Focus on Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins, toxic chemical compounds produced by moulds, can contaminate commodities­ either in the field or during storage and are invisible, odourless and tasteless. The only ...
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